Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Language Arts: Group books

Spelling: p.42 1-60, w3x - due Fri.

Balke: Decimal place value SL 2.2
Gordon: MJ 36 (Fri.) Work page 20 (tomorrow)
Hall: Place value SL 42, 43
Wilson: Partial sums - worksheet

Science: Water clock experiments

Social Studies: Brain only - they are corrected and returned!

Other: I will bring ties tomorrow! Pictures Friday!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Language Arts: Group book

Spelling: 42-44 1-60, w3x - due Fri.

Balke: 2.1
Gordon: MJ 36 (Fri)
Hall: SL 41 MR 24
Wilson: no hw

Science: Instructions

Social Studies: Brain only is TOMORROW

Other: Another perm form!
Picture day Friday!
Superintendent coming to Lemme tomorrow!

Monday, September 27, 2010

9/27/10 - Picture Day Friday!

Reminder Picture Day is Friday! You need to have your envelope with money that day. If you forget, or your student is absent, there usually is a make-up day.

I had this fun idea last year: If your student wants to, they could wear a tie! We had quite a few takers last year, and they looked pretty sharp. If you are wanting a particular shirt for your student to wear, that is TOTALLY fine. Zero pressure.

Why ties? I wear one virtually every day. I have lots of them. I will bring them on Thursday and Friday. I will tie them for the students who are interested.

  1. Parents must okay it
  2. You need an appropriate shirt to go with the tie
  3. You may bring your own tie
  4. Girls may OF COURSE participate. Who doesn’t look good in tie?
  5. If you send an expensive tie, I’ll make sure your student wears it only for the picture!

Again, this is all for fun, and 100% optional.

Have a great day,


Language Arts: Book groups

Spelling: p. 42-44 1-60

Balke: Place Value - SL 2.1 - due Wed.
Gordon: MJ 33 34 (tomorrow) MJ 36 (Fri.)
Hall: SL 41 MR 24 (Wed.)
Wilson: pre-assessment - no hw

Science: Funnel Water Clocks

Social Studies: Reading Notes 4 - due tomorrow
Brain only test Tomorrow

More permission slips!!
Picture Day FRIDAY!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Language Arts:

Spelling: Final Test

Balke: Checked test, Begin Ch. 2 - no hw
Gordon: MJ 30 MJ 34 (Tues.) SL 33
Hall: No hw - Ch. 1 test
Wilson: SL 2.1, bring signed tests Monday!!!

Science: Instructions

Social Studies: Open note test today, Brain only on Tuesday!!

Tuesday - Field Trip - bring a lunch!!!
Friday 10/1 - Picture Day - I will bring my ties

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Language Arts: CQ: WSSSW - due tomorrow

Spelling: Final test

Balke: Ch. 1 test - no hw
Gordon: MJ 31 (tomorrow) MJ 34 (Tues.)
Hall: Study guide (tomorrow) - test Friday
Wilson: Median - return signed test - no hw

Science: Instructions assignment

Social Studies: Reading Notes 4 - due Tuesday - Open note test tomorrow or Monday, Brain only Tuesday

Other: Perm forms, $$$$, other forms, Tuesday: Field trip bring lunch!, Next Friday (10/1)- Picture day - I will bring ties!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Language Arts: CQ: WSSSW - due Friday

Spelling: p.37 1-18, w3x

Balke: Ch.1 test tomorrow!!
Gordon: MJ 31 - Friday
Hall: SL 36 - Test Friday
Wilson: MJ 31 Comp Lab Today

Science: Water Clock Instructions assignment - work on it tomorrow!

Social Studies: ----------------

Other: Perm. forms

9/22/10 - Balke's Math Test Tomorrow

Things you need to know how to do:

Be able to determine the following data landmarks from a set of data:
Create a line plot from a given set of data
Create a stem-and-leaf plot from a given set of data
Create a bar graph from a given set of data
Interpret a line graph
Estimate percentages from a circle graph (pie graph for old-timers)

The Student Resource Book (SRB) may help, but if it was left at school, you can access online:

I also sent a piece of paper with possible review items from the Math Journal.

Good luck!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Language Arts: CQ:WSSSW - due Fri.
Began Book Groups -
NIHM - Ch.1
Tera - Ch. 1,2
Tang - to p. 17
Star - Ch. 1,2

Spelling: p.37 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: Review for Test Thurs.
Gordon: MJ 31 (Fri.)
Hall: MR 23 SL 34
Wilson: Unit 1 test - no hw

Science: Foil water clocks

Social Studies: More Ch. 4 summarizing

Other: Perm form, parade tomorrow

Monday, September 20, 2010


Language Arts: CQ:WSSW

Spelling: p.37 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: Interpreting data - SL 1.11, 1.12 - Test Thurs.
Gordon: Test tomorrow, MJ 28
Hall: SL 28, 29 MR 22
Wilson: Test tomorrow, Study guide, SRB

Science: Water Clocks

Social Studies: Group work on Ch.4

Other: Permission forms!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Spelling Final test

Balke: Misleading data - no hw - next week Test Thursday
Gordon: MJ 26 (Tues.) - next week Test Tuesday
Hall: MR 21, MJ 44
Wilson: Prime factorization - Math packet 24 (1,4,5,6,8,9 - show your work!)

Science: ---------------

Social Studies: Ch. 3 retest

Other: Picture Day M 10/1
Field Trip Perm Form + $$$ - ASAP!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Language Arts: Open House Preparation

Spelling: Final test tomorrow

Balke: Interpreting Data from graphs - no hw
Gordon: MJ 27 SL 24 MJ 28 (Tues.)
Hall: MJ 36 37 MR 20
Wilson: Factor Strings MJ 28

Science: -------------

Social Studies: Retake Ch 3 test

Other: Open House 6:30-7:30
Field Trip Permission Form

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15/10 - Cinquains

1st line - 1 noun
2nd line - 2 adjectives
3rd line - 3 verbs
4th line - 1 descriptive phrase
5th line - 1 noun (similar to the 1st line)


Intelligent, trustworthy
educating, guiding, mentoring
Always looking out for students
Mr. Balke


Language Arts (Spelling): Cinquains - must be done tomorrow - I will give SOME time to work
Spelling: p.31 1-18, w3x - due tomorrow

Balke: Tables, Area, Perimeter, SL 1.10 (finish graph!!)
Gordon: MJ 26, MJ 27
Hall: MJ 33, MR 19 (some need to do MJ 26, 27, 34)
Wilson: Factor strips, MJ 28 (Fri.)

Science: Timelines - must be done tomorrow - I will give SOME time to work

Social Studies: ---------------

Other: 6th gr. band tomorrow

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Spelling - new groups
Dictionary group: I will have list for you tomorrow!!!!
p.31 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: Graph assignment - for Open House
Gordon: MJ 23, MJ 27, SL 22
Hall: MJ 32, Math rev 18 (show your work)
Wilson: SL 22, Math packet

Science: Timelines - we will work in class - you may take it home - due Thursday Open House!!

Social Studies: ----------------

Other: Open House Thursday 6:30-7:30

Monday, September 13, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): CQ: AWTTC - due Tues.
Spelling p.31 1-18, W3X - due Thurs.

Balke: Circles and Create a graph - no HW
Gordon: MJ 22 (tomorrow) MJ 27 (Fri.) MJ 23 (tomorrow)
Hall: Math rev. 17, SL 25
Wilson: Top-It - no HW

Science: Timeline assignment in class tomorrow

Social Studies: Brain only test

Other: Open House Thursday!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Final test today
CQ: AWTTC - due Tuesday

Balke: Circles - no hw
Gordon: MJ 22 (Tues.) SL 20 (Mon.)
Hall: SL 24, Math Rev 16
Wilson: Square #s, square roots SL 1.7 (1-9)

Science: ------------------

Social Studies: Brain only test Monday!!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Unit 3 - w3x, p.25 1-18, due Thurs.

Balke: Step graphs, SL 1.8
Gordon: SL 17, MJ 24 (Fri.)
Hall: SL 21, Math rev. 14
Wilson: Factors - no HW

Science: Discussed Timelines

Social Studies: Notes for Ch. 3 - Open Book/Notes test tomorrow, Brain only test Friday

Other: Mentally prepare! There will be a substitute teacher tomorrow!!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): W3X, p. 25 1-18 - due Thurs.

Balke: Bar graphs SL 1.7
Gordon: MJ 18 19 MJ 24 (Fri.)
Hall: Math Rev 13, SL 20, MJ 21
Wilson: SL 17 - show your work, Math packet

Science: Length of days website

Social Studies: Ch. 3 Summarize sections


Friday, September 3, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): DRAs done!!!

Balke: Bar graphs - no HW
Gordon: MJ 15 16 (Tues)
Hall: Math Rev 10 11 12 (Tues)
Wilson: Factors - no HW

Science: ---------

Social Studies: Brain only test

Other: Have a Great 3-Day Weekend!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Final test tomorrow
CQ: SS, GiaSS - due tomorrow

Balke: Line graphs - SL 1.6
Gordon: MJ 15 (Tues.) MJ 12 (tomorrow) SL 15,16 (Tomorrow)
Hall: SL 12, Math rev. 9
Wilson: Divisibility - Factor Captor, SL 15

Science: ----

Social Studies: ---- Open book test, brain only test tomorrow

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Language Arts (Spelling): Wrapping up DRAs!!!!!
Spelling - w3x, p.19 1-18 - due tomorrow!!!
CQ: SS + GiaSS - due Friday

Balke: Mean and Median - SL 1.4 SL 1.5
Gordon: MJ 12 (Fri.) MJ 13, 14 Teach Factor Captor to parents by Fri.
Hall: SL 15 Rev p.8
Wilson: Factor Captor due Friday

Science: Sundials, Tilt of the Earth

Social Studies: Reading Notes 2 due tomorrow
Open book test tomorrow
Brain only test Friday
