Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Language Arts:
Small Book Task - due tomorrow
Lesson 8 89-90 - due F
Spelling test Friday

Balke: SL 4.10 4.11 Test no earlier than Tues.
Gordon: SL 104 MJ 104 MJ 105 (F) MJ 108 (Tues)
Hall: MJ 124 126 Hot choc tomorrow
Moen: MJ 100

Science: More building and testing

Social Studies: -----

Other: Science night tomorrow 6:30

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 8 91-96 - due tomorrow
Lesson 8 89-90 - due F
Small Book tasks - due Th
Spelling test F

Balke: no hw, Ch.4 test no earlier than Tues.
Gordon: MJ 106 107 SL 105 (F) get yer test signed!
Hall: SL 107 test today!
Moen: SL 4.1 MJ 100 (Th)

Science: Building and testing

Social Studies: More Egypt

Other: have a pleasant evening!

11/29/11 - Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The following is from a post from 2009:

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
And it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will
Be concealed and there's nowhere to go oh!

Now that I have your attention, just a few words regarding the coming winter.

Dress for success
If you are a student and you are coming early and have to wait outside, you had better check the weather report! It gets cold out there! Either don't come so early or dress appropriately.

When there is snow on the ground, many times there will be restrictions at recess. Boots and snow pants are nerdy, but it's a lot more fun to frolic in the snow than to stand shivering on the blacktop!!

Cancellations and Late starts
Nowadays, if there is a cancellation or late start because of weather, Mr. Murley or one of his designates will give you a Connect-Ed automated phone call. If your phone number is not in the system, or you simply miss the call for some reason, here is what you can do if you are wondering (in order of best to worst):

1. Internet - will give you updates, click on "Cancellations". The ICCSD website will post information prominently on the main page. This is the best option by far.

2. TV - KCRG and others will crawl the cancellations along the bottom of the screen. Not as efficient; you have to wait.

3. Radio - Terrible, I wouldn't even use it, unless I had to. KXIC or KCJJ would be your best local bets.

4. Call the teacher - If you call me, I will be cheerful, but I do not have ANY special teacher advance knowledge. I find out when you do. You laugh, but I have had folks think I have some sort of early notice regarding cancellations, and call me.

Cancellations get added on to the end of the school year. Late starts or early dismissals do not get added on. Late starts in the ICCSD have ALWAYS been 2-hour delays. So we begin at 10:30 instead of 8:30. Early dismissals, going by memory they are usually 1:00, but I believe that can vary, depending on the conditions.

Have an excellent day,

11/29/11 - Spelling Article

Spelling is a popular subject when talking about education. I have a link to an interesting article I came across a week or two ago:


Monday, November 28, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 8 - 91-96 - due W
Spelling test - F

Balke: SL 4.8 AND 4.9
Gordon: MJ 101 102 SL 105 (F)
Hall: SL 105 Study for the test tomorrow!!!!
Moen: no hw - division

Science: Structure building

Social Studies: ----------

Other: More leftovers!!! Band tonight!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Language Arts: Parts of Lesson 8 - due dates TBD
Spelling test - F 12/2

Balke: no hw - %, Fractions, Decimals
Gordon: no hw - games
Hall: no hw - study guide
Moen: no hw - games

Science: New groups, new structure building

Social Studies: More Ch. 8 - Egypt

Other: Have a Peaceful Thanksgiving !!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 8 packet - 85-88 - DUE TOMOOORROWWWWW!!
Spelling Lesson 8 - test will be FRIDAY, DEC. 2!!

Balke: SL 4.7
Gordon: MJ 97 98 Game day tomorrow!
Hall: SL 93
Moen: Get tests signed - no hw

Science: New slammer groups tomorrow!

Social Studies: Begin Ch. 8 - Egypt!

Other: Bring gently used books!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Language Arts:
Packets finished
Small book task finished
Spelling test

Balke: no hw - Multiplying mixed #s
Gordon: Test Monday! MJ 97 (T) Math game (T)
Hall: SL 96
Moen: no hw - Division

Science: Slammed!

Social Studies: Test

Other: Have a splendid weekend!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 7 packet - due F
Small Book Task - due Th
Spelling test F
Gordon - finish book by 12/1

Balke: SL 4.5
Gordon: MJ 91 (F) SL 90 MJ 97 (T) SL 92 (4-7) whew!
Hall: MJ 122
Moen: Family letter, open response, no hw

Science: Build and draw

Social Studies: Open book test - TAKE IT HOME IF NOT DONE!!!!!
RN 7 - due tomorrow!!!
Brain Only F

Other: Be nice to all creatures

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 7 packet - due F
Small Book Task - due Th
Mrs. G's group - do your reading!

Balke: + - mixed #s w/renaming - no hw
Gordon: MJ 82 83 SL 90 (4-7) SL 90 1-3 (th) MJ 91 (F)
Hall: MJ 118 119
Moen: test today

Science: Build tall structures to survive the Slammer!

Social Studies: Rdg. Notes 7 due Th, Open note test W, Brain Only F

Other: Be good!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Language Arts: Stuff

Hall: stuff

Science: iugiy

Social Studies:

Other: be good

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Language Arts:
Wrap-up packets
Small Book activities - due T

Math: no math - Veteran's Day Assembly
Balke: SL 4.3
Gordon: Cut out sheets MJ 84 SL 87 - due T
Hall: MJ 111
Moen: no hw - Test Tuesday

Science: Drawing structures from different angles

Social Studies: more Ch. 7

Other: No school for students tomorrow
Bring food drive items tomorrow if you are able
There will be a substitute teacher Monday - you need to act appropriately! Think before you act!

11/10/11 - Conferences - Important!

1. As you know, my room is in a unique location. To get there, you may either:
  1. Cut through Mrs. Hall’s room. Either she will be in there, or BASP will be in there. I have the okay. Be careful, you may have to dodge those BASP kids!
  2. Wait outside my door (door #18, right in front of the main entrance). I will stay on schedule so that no one has to wait long!

2. I have sent three reminders of conference times. If you are not sure of your time, let me know. If you need to change times, let me know. I totally understand that folks can forget or unforeseen circumstances can develop!

3. If you can bring a non-perishable item for the Girls Scouts Food Drive, that would be great. You can bring them tonight or tomorrow.

Have a great day,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9/11 - Girl Scout Food Drive

Bring items tomorrow!! No school for students Friday, but you can bring items with you during your conference!

Have a good evening,


Language Arts:
Lesson 6 packet - tomorrow
Spelling Test is TOMORROW!!

Balke: SL 4.3
Gordon: SL 87 MJ 84 (T) Cut out sheets
Hall: MJ 111
Moen: no hw - test T

Science: 2D and 3D shapes

Social Studies: Begin ch. 7

Other: BRING ITEMS FOR FOOD DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Veteran's Day Assembly tomorrow 1:00!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Language Arts:
Maniac group - FINISH timeline and events task Tonight!!

Balke: SL 4.2
Gordon: MJ 80 81
Hall: SL 83
Moen: SL 3.10

Science: Building structures to with stand the Slammer!

Social Studies: Test

Other: Girl Scouts Food Drive! Bring something by Thursday!

11/8/11 - Food Drive for the Crisis Center

Girl Scout Troop 5120 is having a food drive for the Crisis Center in Iowa City during this week! If you can donate please send non-perishable items to the classroom. I will find out the deadline for this and relay that information.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 6 packet - due TH
Dictionary group - need 5 words!
Maniac Magee - Timeline and Events activity

Balke: SL 4.1
Gordon: SL 86 MJ 81 (F)
Hall: MJ 97 107
Moen: no hw

Science: The Slammer

Social Studies: Brain only test TOMORROW!

Other: No school Friday

Friday, November 4, 2011


Language Arts:
Wrapping things up
Spelling test

Balke: Fractions no hw
Gordon: MJ 76 77 (m) MJ 79 (T) Play Angle Tangle MJ 81 (F)
Hall: MJ 101
Moen: no hw Measuring angles

Science: --------

Social Studies: Open Book test - Review Monday - Test T

Other: whew

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 15 packet
Lesson 15 small book task

Balke: TEST
Gordon: Angle tangle MJ 74 MJ 79 (T)
Hall: SL 76 Sub Tomorrow!
Moen: SL 3.9

Science: Discussed successful structures

Social Studies: Reading Notes 6


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 15 Packet - F
Lesson 15 Small Book Task (Graphic Features Chart) - Th
Maniac group - Timeline - due TBA
Friday Spelling Test

Balke: Review - Test TOMORROW!!~
Gordon: wkst 64 65 (tomorrow) MJ 74 (F) MJ 79 (T)
Hall: SL 75
Moen: no hw MJ pages

Science: Tall structures

Social Studies: Reading notes 6 - due F (?)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Language Arts:
Lesson 14 Packet - W
Lesson 14 Small Book Task - W
Lesson 15 Packet - F
Lesson 15 Small Book Task (Graphic Features Chart) - Th

Balke: SL 3.10 - Review for Test THURS.
Gordon: no hw - MJ 74 75 (F)
Hall: SL 74
Moen: SL 3.8

Science: Building more shapes

Social Studies: -----------

Other: Good to go!