Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 15 - Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow

Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go

In between the cover of another perfect wonder
And it's so white as snow

Running through the field where all my tracks will
Be concealed and there's nowhere to go oh!

Now that I have your attention, just a few words regarding the coming winter.

Dress for success
If you are a student and you are coming early and have to wait outside, you had better check the weather report! It gets cold out there! Either don't come so early or dress appropriately.

When there is snow on the ground, many times there will be restrictions at recess. Boots and snow pants are nerdy, but it's a lot more fun to frolic in the snow than to stand shivering on the blacktop!!

Cancellations and Late starts
Nowadays, if there is a cancellation or late start because of weather, Mr. Plugge or one of his designates will give you a Connect-Ed automated phone call. If your phone number is not in the system, or you simply miss the call for some reason, here is what you can do if you are wondering (in order of best to worst):

1. Internet - will give you updates, click on "Cancellations". The ICCSD website will post information prominently on the main page. This is the best option by far.

2. TV - KCRG and others will crawl the cancellations along the bottom of the screen. Not as efficient; you have to wait.

3. Radio - Terrible, I wouldn't even use it, unless I had to. KXIC or KCJJ would be your best local bets.

4. Call the teacher - If you call me, I will be cheerful, but I do not have ANY special teacher advance knowledge. I find out when you do. You laugh, but I have had folks think I have some sort of early notice regarding cancellations, and call me.

Cancellations get added on to the end of the school year. Late starts or early dismissals do not get added on. Late starts in the ICCSD have ALWAYS been 2-hour delays. So we begin at 10:30 instead of 8:30. Early dismissals, going by memory they are usually 1:00, but I believe that can vary, depending on the conditions.

Now if you can identify the song and the artist from first part of this post, I will send you a fabulous, but totally intangible and imaginary, no-prize, selected especially for you.

Have an excellent day,

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