Please read the note that came home Friday. Frequently Asked Questions:
Does my student have to take the test?
No. This is another way to gather data in order for teachers to make
recommendations and parents to make decisions.
My student scored an 84, can she take the test?
Yes. The 85 number is a guide. The ICCSD believes that score has
been a good guideline for whether or not a student should take the test or
be in the pre-algebra class.
The ICCSD also believes that there are exceptions based on factors such as
work ethic.
Furthermore, the ICCSD will respect the wishes of a parent who wants to
sign up their student for pre-algebra, regardless of testing results or
teacher recommendations.
If my student does not take Pre-algebra next, what class will he/she
The vast majority of students will take Math 7. Some will take pre-algebra,
and some will take math 7A.
In January, representatives from South East Junior High will come to Lemme
and talk about all the various options relating to registering for classes. At
that time, you will get two forms: a general registration form and a
registration form specifically for choosing a math class.
What if I lost the pre-algebra testing form?
You can email me, or contact me some other way to let me know. The
sooner the better, but the actual testing will be around the 10th of January.
What if I just totally forgot about the form?
The teachers and I will decide if your student should take the test. There is
no penalty or punishment or any such nonsense!
What is the test like?
It is a test created by the ICCSD, and it is ITBS-like in format. It will be
administered in 2 one-hour blocks, sometime around 1/10/11. We will let
you know when we have figured out a time.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Balke
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