As you may have heard, our spelling is new this year. We still have Houghton-Mifflin, but it is now integrated within the new language arts materials. I'm still trying to work it out. Here is the latest:
There will be four groups
A - responsible for studying the first 10 words of the list
B - responsible for studying the first 20 words of the list (the "Basic Words")
C - responsible for studying all 25 words of the list (the "Basic Words" + the "Challenge Words")
D - (The Dictionary Group) Students will come up with challenging, yet useful words. They will turn them in to me, then, if appropriate, I will approve them and create their list. D group students must still do any spelling assignments for groups A, B, and C.
The groups are based on their performance on the first three weeks of tests. Students will have the opportunity to move up.
Pretests for A, B, and C
Dictionary group will spend time coming up with words. Some years I have been able to have them do a pretest, but usually time does not permit.
Class gets an assignment. The assignment has the list in it. That is where the lists are, as opposed to the texts from last year.
During the week:
Students may receive 1-2 more assignments
Final test
As always, subject to change!
Dictionary List
You won't get this every week, but I thought I would post it this time:
1. abbreviation
2. authentic
3. metamorphosis
4. augmentation
5. cosmetology
6. electrometallurgy
7. echelon
8. supernatural
9. resemblance
10. hallucinate
11. legislator
12. circulation
13. rendezvous
14. Renaissance
15. mannequin
16. simultaneously
17. pteranodon
18. triangulation
19. multiplication
20. strategize
21. photographic
22. venipuncture
23. embryo
24. barrier
25. Delaware
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