Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10/29/13 - Halloween Festivities Thursday!

It's that time again!  The beginning of the "Eating Season": Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter Holiday of your choice, New Year's, Valentine's Day, and ending with the Holiday of Eggs, Bunnies, and Candy.
So Halloween.  Costumes:  Students may bring them, we will "dress up" sometime during the day.  We can't all 400 of us go the restrooms to change, so it may be as early as late morning.  Costumes should appropriate.  Avoid costumes that may destroy the innocence of a 5 year old kindergartner, or that may cause heart palpitations in your grandma!  If you must be "edgy", I suggest waiting until the actual Beggar's Night.

The schedule:  As of now, I am looking at the Parade at 1:00, party until 2:00.  The students will convene in the back blacktop at 1:00 and process from there.  Then we shall return to the room to enjoy calm and peaceful refreshments and Phineas and Ferb.