Monday, January 20, 2014


Review for test.  Test will TENTATIVELY be Wednesday, BUT I had a lot of students absent today, so it makes me a little nervous!  We'll see how tomorrow goes!

Language arts
Spelling pretest
Lesson 19 packet due Friday

Social Studies
Ch. 10 discussion

MLK day:
We read this aloud and discussed some of the very challenging vocabulary!  One of history's great speeches:

South East Junior High Registration: At 9:30 a.m. in the library TOMORROW 1/21, a representative from South East Junior High will come to Lemme and present information about the registration process.  Parents are welcome to attend.  There is a parent meeting going over the registration procedures on January 28th at SEJH in the Large Group Room at 6:00 p.m.

South East Junior High Math Registration Form:   Thanks to those that have sent them back!  It has class recommendations for 7th grade, based on Iowa Assessment scores and ICCSD placement test scores.

If you disagree with the placement, there is a reconsideration form on the reverse.
Please return the form to me by TOMORROW 1/21.

Yearbook orders: $10 each, due by 1/24
6th grade baby pictures - the tradition continues! Pictures are due by 1/24