Friday, September 5, 2014

9/5/14 - Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

As you may have heard, we have been doing DIBELS testing this week.  DIBELS is a clever acronym for Dynamic Indicators of Basic and Early Literacy Skills.  As a district we have been administering them for about 5 years or so.  We will be administering them 3 times a year.  I should have them wrapped up by the end of next week.

DRAs (Developmental Reading Assessment) will be administered the week of the 15th.  They will also be administered 3 times in a year.

The ICCSD Math Screener is different this year.  There is a computation component (similar to before) and an application component (new for us).  They are both short tests: the computation is 4 minutes and the application is 7 minutes.  I will be administering it next week.  Like the others, they will be administered 3 times a year.

The ICCSD Writing Assessment is from the Houghton/Mifflin/Harcourt language arts materials we are using.  It has a prompt and and rubric scoring procedure.  It is also given 3 times a year.  The first one will be around the end of September.

The Iowa Assessments are given the third week of October.  Just once a year!!  I usually take about an hour and a half each day.  If a student misses a day, they can make it up later in the week or the next week.

If you have any questions about these tests, let me know!  And if I don't know, I'll try to find someone who does!