Friday, October 29, 2010

10/29/10 - Math Re-take, Picture Re-take

Mr. Balke's Math Re-take
Not everyone got this in the hubbub of Halloween afternoon, but I handed out this note to some folks:

Mr. Balke’s Math Class

I will allow a test re-take on TUESDAY of next week. You can start reviewing now on your own. We will not spend any time in class reviewing. The re-take is OPTIONAL. More details on Monday.

Mr. Balke

Picture Re-take

Friday November 4th, forms in the office. A note did go home.

Have a great weekend,


Thursday, October 28, 2010


Language Arts: Group Book
Tera 98, Star 111, Tang 124, NIMH 135

Spelling: Final test tomorrow

Balke: Ch. 2 test tomorrow
Gordon: MJ 59 - get test signed
Hall: Study guide, do practice problems - Ch. 2 test tomorrow
Wilson: MJ 64 65

Science: ---------

Social Studies: Ch. 6 Brain Only test tomorrow!!

Other: Halloween festivities tomorrow: Parade 2:00, Party after. Bring costumes!

10/28/10 - Ch. 2 Math Study Pages

Ch. 2 Math Study Pages

*You don’t need to do every single one of these pages!

*We have done some of these activities, some we haven’t. You

can certainly re-do activities that we have already done.

*I have tried to only list activities that may show up on the test.



47 (1,2)




51 (1,2)



54 (2)



58 (1)


61 (1,2)


64 (1,2,3)

65 (1,2)



70 (1,3)



74 (1,2,3)

80 (1,2,3)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/10 - Social Studies Goldmine Pt. 2

Social Studies Goldmine Pt. 2

All you have to do is click on the appropriate chapter on the left column. It will ask you your name, but it's not a big deal; you can type in whatever.

Brain-only test is Friday.

Have an apple cider evening,
Mr. Balke


Language Arts: Group Books
Tera 98, Star 111, Tang 100, NIMH 108

Spelling: p. 67 1-18, w3x- due Thu, Dictionary group: w3x due Fri
Balke: Review for test Friday
Gordon: MJ 59 (Fri) Test today
Hall: no hw, finish math challenge packet (optional)
Wilson: Game day- no hw

Science: Introduce Landforms unit

Social Studies: Open Book test - take home if needed - Brain only is FRI!!
Return Ch. 6 assignment if needed


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Language Arts: Group Books
Tera - 78 Star - 95 Tang -100 NIMH - 108

Spelling: p.67 1-18, w3x - due Thu (w3x Dictionary due Fri, I will get your list tomorrow!)

Balke: Exponents SL 2.10 - Test Fri
Gordon: MJ 59 (Fri) Test tomorrow, Use Study Guide, Cut out cards (?) (tomorrow)
Hall: MR 41 MJ 81
Wilson: no hw - Ch. 2 test

Science: ------------------

Social Studies: Ch. 6 Settlements - due tomorrow, Open note test tomorrow, brain only test Thu.

Other: Check the blog - Halloween info

Monday, October 25, 2010

10/25/10 - Halloween, Conference Reminders

We are having the traditional Lemme Halloween festivities Friday. Here's what you need to know:

Parade is at 2:00.
Party is afterward.
Students will put on their suits right before the parade. Do not have students wear suits all day!
Choose appropriate outfits. A guideline that I have heard in the past is "Don't wear anything that would scare a kindergartener." I would add to that, "Don't wear anything that would scare a teacher/parent/grandma!" Use common sense - this is not the time to be "edgy"; save that for outside of school. Don't show a lot of skin. Resist the urge to be gruesome. You may not bring weapons. Think about whether your outfit would be offensive.

Conference Reminders - Second round
Look for small pieces of paper coming home tonight. Let me know if there are any problems.

Have a peaceful evening,
Mr. Balke


Language Arts:

Spelling: p.67 1-18, w3x - due Thu

Balke: SL 2.9 Scientific notation
Gordon: SL 61 MJ 58 (Tue) MJ 59 (Fri) Test Wed.!
Hall: MR 40 SL 59
Wilson: no HW Ch. 2 test!! Study

Science: -------------

Social Studies: Ch. 6 First Settlements - due Wed.

Other: check the blog re: Halloween!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Language Arts: ------------

Spelling: Final Test

Balke: Powers of 10 again - no hw
Gordon: MJ 55 SL 59 (Mon) MJ 58 (Tue)
Hall: Finish MJ 70 71 74
Wilson: Lattice method wkst

Science: --------------------

Social Studies: Roanoke theories

Other: ----------------

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/21/10 - Youtube: Plum Grove, Division

Plum Grove
An incredibly crisp, clean, brown, yellow, red, and green autumn day! I have a a short video on Youtube:

If you are someone who is struggling with the traditional algorithm for division, here is a video on Youtube that may help:

A Word on Youtube

Youtube has some fantastic resources to draw from. However, the comments section can be inappropriate and the matches to your searches can also be questionable. Proceed with caution!


Language Arts: Types of writing

Spelling: Final test tomorrow!

Balke: no hw - finish Lesson 2.6 and SL 2.8 if needed!
Gordon: MJ 52 56
Hall: MJ 69 MR 39
Wilson: SL 59 Lattice method

Science: ---------------

Social Studies: Begin Ch. 6


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Language Arts: CQ:SLSR - summary + facts - due tomorrow

Spelling: 61 1-18, w3x - due tomorrow!

Balke: SL 2.8, Lesson 2.6
Gordon: MJ 50,51 (tomorrow) 52 (Fri., but finish if you can!) Use SRB 38-40 if needed. Use whatever algorithm you want! MJ 56 (Fri.)
Hall: no hw?? MJ 68 MR 38 finish up
Wilson: SL 2.8


Social Studies: Plum Grove Field Trip

Other: PTA Tonight at Van Allen Elementary!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Language Arts: CQ: SaLSiR - summary + facts - due Thurs.

Spelling: p.61 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.
Dictionary list:

1. muenster

2. pizzicato

3. renaissance

4. Salvadoran

5. luminous

6. ophthalmologist

7. Argentina

8. literature

9. grammatical

10. oxygenation

11. systematically

12. interdependence

13. plesiosaur

14. rampageous

15. territorialize

16. whirligig

17. whippoorwill

18. quiche

19. pessimism

20. mononucleosis

21. pneumonia

22. psychic

23. gargoyle

24. communal

25. exhilaration

26. muralist

27. multiplication

28. nationalism

29. vulgar

30. incapacitate

Balke: Div. of Dec. - SL 2.8
Gordon: SL 53 (tomorrow) MJ 56 (Fri.)
Hall: MR 38 MJ 68
Wilson: no hw - Multiplication - test tomorrow

Science: waiting for next kit

Social Studies: Get ready for Plum Grove!


Monday, October 18, 2010

10/18/10 - Plum Grove: Everything you ever wanted to know!

Plum Grove
Some fascinating info:


Language Arts: Group Books - assigned reading by tomorrow!
Tera - 58, Tang - 87, Star - 65, NIMH - 86

Spelling: p.61 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.
Dictionary folks- 5 words!!

Balke: SL 2.7: div. problems - remainder OR fractional answers! (tomorrow) SL 2.8 (Wednesday)
Gordon: MJ 45, 47, 53 (tomorrow) Bring red green and blue colored pencils or crayons MJ 56 (Friday)
Hall: SL 58 MR 37
Wilson: SL 53 2.7

Science: no science, waiting for new kit

Social Studies: Plum Grove discussion


Thursday, October 14, 2010


Language Arts: ITBS

Spelling: Final Test tomorrow

Balke: Division wkst
Gordon: MJ 53 (Tues.) MJ 49 (tomorrow) SL 47 - TRY to get done!
Hall: SL 56 MR 35
Wilson: MJ 42, 46

Science: Last day of the Clock Escapement

Social Studies: ------------


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10/13/10 - Mrs. Butcher's Librarian Blog

This Blog is just excellent. Make sure you check the archives.


Language Arts: ICCSD Writing Assessment

Spelling: p.55 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: Division with decimal answers
Gordon:MJ 41 SL 46 (tomorrow) MJ 53 (Tues.) MJ 49 (Fri.)
Hall: MR 34 SL 55
Wilson: MJ 42 46 (Fri.)

Science: Clock Escapement

Social Studies: ----------------

Other: Check the blog!

10/13/10 - Drivers for next week: ICCSD Approval form

If you need it:

Unfortunately, I do not know how fast the approval process is.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Language Arts:

Spelling: p.55 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.
Balke: Division - no hw
Gordon: SL 45 (tomorrow) MJ 53 (next Tues.) MJ 49 (Fri.) cut out math thingie
Hall: SL 54 MR 33
Wilson: SL Reaction Time - test an adult - bring math related board games

Science: Clock Escapement

Social Studies: -------------


Monday, October 11, 2010


ITBS!!! All week in the mornings

Language Arts: --------

Spelling: Dictionary group - get 5 words p.55 1-18, w3x

Balke: Division - no hw - 2.6 - GET IT DONE!!
Gordon: MJ 46 (tomorrow) MJ 49 (Fri.) Cut out activity sheet 2 by Wed.
Hall: SL 53 MR 32
Wilson: Reaction Time - no hw

Science: Pendulum wrap-up

Social Studies: --------------

Other: Check the blog!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

10/8/10 - ITBS, Drivers, Paint Shirts

Next week: Monday-Friday, from approximately 8:45-10:30. You have already received ICCSD information. We want your student to do as well as they can. There is no high pressure, like my job is on the line or anything like that. If your student is ill, do not tough it out and have them come; we have the whole next week for makeups. I find it interesting that we tell you to have students eat a good breakfast and get enough sleep during this week. Students should do this ALL THE TIME!! Keep a positive attitude and we will all be okay!

Another reminder for drivers for 10/20 for Plum Grove. You need to be ICCSD approved. I can help you with that if need be. Email me:

Paint Shirts
Our tremendous art teacher, Mr. Jones, has requested that students bring paint shirts for the various messy art projects that occur throughout the year. If you can't do this, he does have some, so not a problem.

Have an incredible autumn weekend,


Happy Birthday Logan (yesterday) and Rachel!

Language Arts: Group Book

Spelling: Final test

Balke: SL 2.6 More Mult. Dec.
Gordon: MJ 46 (Tues.)
Hall: SL 51 MR 31
Wilson: Map scale wkst

Science: Pendulum experiments
Social Studies: Brain only test

Other: Check the blog

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/7/10 - Social Studies Goldmine!, Drivers for the 20th

Social Studies Goldmine!!
Go to this link:

Click on Ch. 5 - Routes of Exploration to the New World. Study guide PERFECTION. You may have to type in your name, but that's it!

Every time a "brain only test" is happening this year, this is an ideal place to go for studying! I will try to remind you about this site when there is a test.

Drivers for the 20th
I need driver for the 20th. Just the morning. Must be ICCSD approved. Email me:


Language Arts: Book Groups
CQ: TTiNA - due Friday

Spelling: Final test tomorrow

Balke: SL 2.5 - Multiplying decimals
Gordon: MJ 42, 47 (Fri.) MJ 46 (Tues.)
Hall: SL 50 MR 30
Wilson: MJ 37, 38

Science: Pendulum experiments

Social Studies: Brain only test Tomorrow!!! You must study!!!

Other: Need ICCSD-approved drivers for October 20th! Email Mr. Balke:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Happy Birthday Isabel!

Language Arts: The Story so Far - due tomorrow!!
CQ: TTiNA - due Friday

Spelling: p.49 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: SL 2.4 - Multiplication of decimals
Gordon: Pain and Suffering - due date: eternity MJ 46 (Tues.) MJ 42 (Fri.)
Hall: SL 49 MR 29
Wilson: Subtraction - no hw

Science: Pendulums

Social Studies: Take Open note test home if needed!! Brain Only Friday

Other: -- Check it Out!!
Conference reminders and sign up forms
Permission forms

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5/10 - I will do a better job blogging!!

Greetings all:

Those of you who were in my class last year know that my blogging, while good for the assignment book notes, has been lacking for my other words of wisdom. To that end, I shall endeavor to improve, starting now:

The Waiting Tree
Click on the following:
Scroll down to “The Waiting Tree”. Try not to get misty.

Need Drivers!
Wednesday, October 20th, in the morning, my homeroom will be traveling to Plum Grove. But we need drivers! If you are approved by the ICCSD, you can drive some of my students that day. I figure I will need about 6 drivers total, 5 if they are 7 passenger vans. If you want to drive, but are not ICCSD approved, then I can find out how you can be, but there is no guarantee that the process can be done quickly!

Already!! Next week in the mornings. If your student is ill, do not send them; they won't do as well! There are plenty of make-up times. More on this later!

Conference Reminders
I have sent a bunch home today. I will send more as we get close to November 11th. Only a few folks still need to schedule.

Have a good evening,
Mr. Balke


Language Arts: ------

Spelling: 49 1-18, w3x - due Thurs.

Balke: Powers of 10 - SL 2.4
Gordon: Packet of Pain - due whenever MJ 46 (Tues.) MJ 42 (Fri.)
Hall: SL 46 48 MR 28
Wilson: MJ 39

Science: --------------

Social Studies: Tomorrow - Explorers Matrix due + Open Note test

Other: Permission forms

Monday, October 4, 2010


Language Arts: Book groups
CQ: TTiNA - read it!


Balke: Powers of 10 - no hw
Gordon: MJ 39 SL 39 MJ 42 (Fri.)
Hall: SL 47 MR 27 Get test signed and returned
Wilson: Decimals - wkst HW

Science: Water clock stats

Social Studies: Explorers Matrix- due Wed.

Other: Permission form

Friday, October 1, 2010


Language Arts:

Spelling: Final Test

Balke: Powers of 10 - no hw
Gordon: MJ 39 (Tues.) SL 36 (Mon.) SL 38 (Mon.)
Hall: SL 45 MR 26
Wilson: Wkst Column Addition

Science: Collected data from water clocks

Social Studies: Explorers - due Tues.

Other: Permission slips
Band Monday
Take Home your instruments!!! Practice!!!