Friday, January 29, 2010


Spelling: Final test

Language Arts: RRJ book 1/2 way - due Monday!!

Balke: discussed 5.10 - no HW Test will be Wednesday (tentatively)
Gatens: MJ 197, SL 5.10, check pre-assessment
Gordon: MJ 136 due Tues, MJ 127 due Monday
Hall: no HW

Social Studies: Ch. 9 - Social Pyramid

Science: Experiment with PR


Thursday, January 28, 2010


Spelling: Final test tomorrow!

Language Arts: RRJ books - 1/2 way due Monday!!!

Balke: 5.8 Transformations
Gatens: MJ 200 tomorrow, MJ 197 Monday
Gordon: MJ 133, SL 127-129
Hall: SL 131, Math review 68

Social Studies: Begin Ch. 9

Science: Experiment with PT

Other: SEJH Parent Meeting Tonight!! 6:30 LGR!!!

Week 21 - 6th Grade Parent Meeting at SEJH, Conferences, Red Pens

6th grade Parent Meeting at South East Junior High Tonight
6:30, Large Group Room

Conference Times
Let me know if you need to change your time. I will send out another reminder form tomorrow.

Red Pens
Students need them, and many don’t have them. Check with your student. Don’t spend too much on them!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Spelling: p.1278 1-18, w3x - due tomorrow!

Language Arts: RRJ - Group Book - goal of 1/2 way through

Balke: "Lesson" 5.9 Angle relationships
Gatens: SL 5.9
Gordon: MJ 126 (tomorrow) MJ 133 (F)
Hall: SL 130, math review 67

Social Studies: Brain only - scored and recorded

Science: Did not do science!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Spelling: p.127 1-18, W3X - due Thurs.

Language Arts:

Balke: 5.7 Angle Relationships
Gatens: 5.8 Transformations
Gordon: MJ 133 (Friday)
Hall: SL 129, Rev. p. 66

Social Studies: Ch. 8 Test tomorrow

Science: Tests with Iodine

Other: 6th grade SE forms
ICCSD math computation test tomorrow

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 21 - 6th Grade SEJH Information, ICCSD Computation Test, Conference Forms

6th Grade SE Information
Every time I discuss South East Junior High with the students, I get a little nostalgic for those innocent (hah!!), pre-internet, pre-cable tv, and pre-cell phone days of 1975, when I first ventured off, with much trepidation, to junior high. I quickly looked up the popular songs of that year, WOW!

But I digress.

I have received the blue registration form from many of you. They are due February 2nd, but, as always, the sooner the better! I still need a couple of math forms as well.

If you have any registration questions, check in with me, and if I don't know, I will find someone that does.

The parent meeting at SE is THIS Thursday, 6:30, in the Large Group Room at SEJH. If you come off of First Ave., and follow the commotion, you should be able to find it. It would on the southwest corner of the building.

ICCSD Math Computation Test
We will be administering the annual ICCSD Math Computation Test Wednesday morning. It is roughly equivalent to the ITBS Computation test. We may have results to share by conference time.

Conference Forms
If you have a GREEN conference sign-up form, get it filled out for me as soon as you are able! I know it can be tough with trying to get time off, and other family activities.



Spelling: p.127 1-18, W3X - due Thurs.

Language Arts: RRJ

Balke: 5.6 Congruent figures
Gatens: 5.7 Angle relationships
Gordon: MJ 128
Hall: SL 128, Daily math 65

Social Studies: Open note test due tomorrow! Review for Ch.8 tomorrow, Test Wed.!

Science: Discussed liquids, Test with Iodine

Other: 6th grade - SE registration forms, Parent mtg. Thurs., 6:30 @ SE

Friday, January 22, 2010


Spelling: 6th and D groups test Monday
Dictionary group: Get 6 words by Monday!

Language Arts: n/a

Balke: SE Mtg.
Gatens: SE Mtg.
Gordon: MJ 128 (Tues.)
Hall: No HW, worked on test

Social Studies: Open note test will be Monday, Brain only Tuesday, Ch. 8
Ch. 8 summarizations due Monday

Science: Went over vinegar and oil mixes

Other: 6th grade: SE Registration Forms!!!!!
Parent meeting at SE Thursday, 1/28, 6:30

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Spelling: Extended time- 121, w3x due tomorrow
Test tomorrow: Groups a,b,c Test Monday: Group d

Language Arts:

Balke: SL 5.5, Transformations (M)
Gatens: SL 5.6, MJ 184-185 (M)
Gordon: MJ 123, SL 125
Hall: SL 127. Division review

Social Studies: Ch. 8 Summarization - due tomorrow
Open note test tomorrow
Brain only test Monday

Science: Re-did oil and vinegar experiments

Other: Conference forms coming home
Math forms if needed

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 20 - Conference Reminders and Signups

Conference Reminders and Signups
Tomorrow (if there is school!!!) I will be sending with your students either a Conference Confirmation slip or a Conference Signup sheet. Look for them!


Week 20 - The Mystery Gift, Thank Yous

The Mystery Gift
As I was (finally!) going through my thank yous, I noticed that I received a gift that was not marked from someone. Maybe it was from a jolly fat man from the North, but I actually think it came from a student. It was in a "Season's Greetings" gift bag, and it had many items in it, one of which was a magnet that read, "Teachers Rock!". If someone could let me know if that came from you, that would be great!

Thank Yous
For the gifts: I am so sorry to be late with these, I am starting to get them out to students tomorrow. That does not mean I am not appreciative! I am humbled and grateful to have students to teach and parents who are supportive. Thanks to all.

Be safe in these icy days,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Spelling: p. 121 1-18, W3X - due Thurs.
(Dictionary group - I will have a list for you tomorrow)

Language Arts: Reading Response Journals - using group book

Balke: SL 5.4 - coordinate geometry
Gatens: SL 5.5 - patterns
Gordon: MJ 121, MJ 123 (Thurs.)
Hall: SL 125, Division problems

Social Studies: n/a

Science: Review liquids and powders charts


Friday, January 15, 2010


Spelling: Final test

Language Arts:

Balke: Coordinate geometry
Gatens: SL 5.4
Gordon: Unit 4 Test, MJ 120
Hall: Division review, no hw

Social Studies:

Science: Finished Systematic Experiments


Week 19 - Division Help, 6th Grade Math Information, No school Monday

Division Help

I just happened to find this as I was helping a student with division and we were working with both the traditional and partial quotients methods of division. It is kind of a PowerPoint type of slide show explaining how to to partial quotients (a.k.a. "Hang 7").

I am finding more and more of these "how-to" videos on the internet.. My son was able to find some extremely helpful instruction for a 9th grade algebra class just the other day on YouTube.

6th grade Math Information
Parents/Guardians of 6th graders: you should have received today a form regarding math registration for South East Junior High. It has the following information:

ITBS Math Total
ICCSD Pre-algebra test score (if taken)
Teacher recommendation

On one side of the page, there is a little questionnaire to help you with your decision making. On the other side, near the bottom, is a rectangle that has information that you need to fill out. It's all self-explanatory.

My recommendation is not the "final answer"! The parents/guardians are the deciders. If you need to contact me regarding this, you sure can. Some of you have already!

I need this form back by Friday, 1/22/10.

No school for students Monday!

Have a great weekend,

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Spelling: Test tomorrow!!!

Language Arts: CQ: TDAON wkst - due TOMORROW!!!!

Balke: 5.3 Circle graph
Gatens: MJ 172
Gordon: MJ 117 (tomorrow), 120 (Tues.)
Hall: Division w/remainders

Social Studies: RN 8 - due Tues.

Science: More experiments with liquids + powders

Other: 6th graders - pizza lunch tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Spelling: p.114-116 1-60, w3x - due tomorrow!

Language Arts: CQ: TDAON - due Fri.

Balke: finish pre-algebra test
Gatens: SL 5.3, MJ 170
Gordon: SL 119, MJ 117 (F), 120 (Tues.)
Hall: Division review

Social Studies: Reading Notes 8 - due Tues.

Science: Systemtic Exploration of powders


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Spelling: p.114-116 1-60, W3X - due Thurs.

Language Arts: Snow Day writing, RRJ, CQ:TDAoN

Balke: Pre-algebra test
Gatens: SL 5.3 MJ 170 (Th)
Gordon: MJ 111-113
Hall: Division practice

Social Studies: Video about the pyramids

Science: Investigate with liquids and powders


Monday, January 11, 2010


Spelling: p.114 1-60 - Review Week - due Thurs.

Language Arts: CQ: The Dazzling Art of Neon

Balke: More circle graphs
Gatens: 5.3
Gordon: Crossword 6-10, MJ 114
Hall: Play a game with someone at Home

Social Studies: Ch. 8 Pyramids and Pharaohs

Science: Investigated the Mysterious Powder!


Friday, January 8, 2010


Spelling: Final test

Language Arts:

Balke: Circle graphs
Gatens: MJ 168
Gordon: Tic-tac-toe corrections, Crossword 1-5, MJ 114 (Tues.)
Hall: no HW, Extra credit

Social Studies: Brain only test

Science: Compiled information about powders


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 18 - 6th grade pre-algebra notes

6th grade pre-algebra notes
Your 6th grade student should have delivered to you a form explaining the pre-algebra testing process. If you want your student to take the test, please return the form with your signature. If you do not want your student to take the test, then no action is needed by you.

The test will be tentatively Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.


Spelling: Test tomorrow!!!

Language Arts: Should we have had to go to school today??? (writing)
CQ:Rose's Gold - due tomorrow!

Balke: 5.2
Gatens: no hw!
Gordon: Tic-tac-toe
Hall: 117 118 packet

Social Studies: Ch. 7 - Open note test, Brain only tomorrow!!

Science: Observing powders


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Spelling: W3X, p. 109 1-18 due tomorrow!!!

Language Arts: CQ: Rose's Gold wkst due Friday

Balke: Angles
Gatens: 5.2
Gordon: SL 113, MJ 109, 110
Hall: Packet 115, 116

Social Studies: Pharaohs Ch. 8, Ch. 7 test Friday
Ch. 7 packet due tomorrow!

Science: How did the Powder get there???


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Spelling: W3X, p.109 1-18, due Thurs.

Language Arts: Return of the Reading Response Journal

Balke: 5.1 Angles
Gatens: 5.1 Angles
Gordon: SL 110 MJ 110 (Thurs.)
Hall: SL 114 (packet)

Social Studies: Ch.7 packet due Thurs.

Science: More on the Mysterious Powder


Monday, January 4, 2010


Spelling: W3X, p.109 1-18, due Thurs.

Language Arts: Sheep, journals

Balke: Angles and lines
Gatens: Pre-assessment
Gordon: MJ 106, 107, 108
Hall: 113 packet

Social Studies: Ch. 7 packet - due Thurs.

Science: Started The Mysterious Powder!
