Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/2/12 - School of the Wild - Dragonflies

The day started rainy, then cleared, and ended hot and sunny!  As it was once said, "Be Prepared"!

We saw our share of wildlife today: two fleeting glimpses of deer, a mysterious dead creature hanging from a tree (see picture below), many snails, and 100 species of High Schoolicus Studentus from the wilds of Cedar Rapids Prairie.  They were quite a nuisance in the spillway area!


Jack in the Pulpit
Creepy weird dead animal in a tree!
Success for Meredith! 

Checking out the birds

High Schoolicus Studentus - an invasive species, native to the southern Cedar Rapids area.

I believe this is the hollow tree of Keebler fame

Calm and quiet Dragonflies


Dragonflies who survived!