Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Multiplying and dividing signed numbers review - due tomorrow

Language arts
Lesson 22 packet - due Friday

Social Studies
Ch. 25 - 27 assignment - due Friday
Day 15 observations
Flower buds appear for many

Look for:
1. Introductory letter from Mr. Cline
2. Permission to video form for Mr. Cline
3. List of names for Valentines

Valentine's Day
A quick note about Valentine's Day.  We will have a little party from 2-3 Friday.  Students may bring Valentines to distribute.  It is OPTIONAL. If you choose to do so, make sure bring enough for everyone.  I do not need to elaborate regarding problems that could ensue by only choosing special people to give to.  And besides, we're all good here!  Keep any possible girl/boy mushiness out of the classroom setting!