Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I lived on 2nd Avenue as a kid.  It started at the top of a hill by Hoover Elementary and the hill leveled out around my house, two blocks down.

I spent a lot of time riding my bike to the top of the hill, just so I could coast down.   I loved the feeling of effortlessly flying down that hill.

There was just one problem.  About half way down the hill there was a cross street called A Street.  Right as you were getting to top speed, you had to put on the brakes, because there was a house situated just so, so you could not see any cars coming from A Street.  Moreover, neither street had a stop sign.

It was not a particularly busy neighborhood, so the odds that a car would come at exactly the same moment as you would cross that street was quite small.  But still!

Every once in a while, I would get up the nerve to zip through that intersection without braking.  My body would be electrified as I would fly full speed through the danger zone!

Eventually, I learned how to ride with no hands.  So adding the no hands skill to the coasting through the danger zone added to the adrenaline rush.

I had a really good time flying through the danger zone, ignoring the possible annihilation by a vehicle, with no hands on the handlebars.  But after awhile, I craved a new thrill.  What could I add to enhance my experience?

I ruminated over this weighty issue.  Finally, it dawned on me.  How could I increase the risk factor?  Coasting through the danger zone, with no hands, and with EYES CLOSED!  Talk about unsafe!

It took me awhile to get to this point.  I mean, come on, that's a little unwise to say the least.  I would coast, close my eyes, but it was like I could only keep them shut for the briefest second.

One day, I had been going up and down that hill, being unable to get the job done.   One more time, I thought. I was at the top of the hill, and did my usual routine.  Pedal hard for a few yards to get up speed, take the hands off, coast on down.  Then I would reach the danger zone, have that rush still, even thought I'd done it many times.  This time was different. I squeezed my eyes shut.  And kept them shut.

It was like a dream that I was flying and floating.  Just the air and my body going through space. It was exhilarating!

The old joke is that if you fall from a great height, it's not the fall that's the problem, it's the abrupt stop.  The dream ended as I smashed in to a parked truck.  Now I was really flying, but it was over the handlebars of my bike, and on to the unforgiving street.

I laid on the concrete, evaluating my condition.  A little bruised but miraculously, no major injuries.  I checked my bike.  It would need a little work.  I checked the truck.  It was kind of a beat up old truck so I wondered, did I leave that mark?  Did I make that dent? 

Most importantly, did anyone SEE me? I wandered the area around.  The event happened near my house.  I peered in the neighbors yards, in their windows.  No other cars driving by.  I breathed a sigh of relief, I do not think anyone saw me! 

It was a miracle.