Thursday, January 16, 2014


More coordinate geometry - no homework

Language Arts
Lesson 18 packet - due tomorrow
Spelling test tomorrow

South East Junior High Math Registration Form:  Went home tonight.  It has class recommendations for 7th grade, based on Iowa Assessment scores and ICCSD placement test scores.

If you disagree with the placement, there is a reconsideration form on the reverse.

Please return the form to me by TUESDAY 1/21.

Also on 1/21,at 9:30 a.m. in the library, a representative from South East Junior High will come to Lemme and present information about the registration process.  Parents are welcome to attend.  There is usually some sort of evening parent meeting in conjunction with registration.  But I have not heard about a time yet!! I will try to find out.

Student Council Hat Day tomorrow, 1/17 - Fundraiser for the UIHC Dance Marathon
Yearbook orders coming home today: $10 each, due by 1/24
6th grade baby pictures - the tradition continues!  The form for this is coming home today as well.  Pictures are due by 1/24
MidWestOne Bank Kids' Art Exhibit - entry form due by tomorrow, 1/17