Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I think we really need one more day - so TEST Thursday!!

Language arts
Lesson 19 packet due Friday

Social Studies
Ch. 10 - The Kingdom of Kush

South East Junior High Registration:(Rescheduled from today!) At 9:30 a.m. in the library TOMORROW 1/22, a representative from South East Junior High will come to Lemme and present information about the registration process.  Parents are welcome to attend.  There is a parent meeting going over the registration procedures on January 28th at SEJH in the Large Group Room at 6:00 p.m.

South East Junior High Math Registration Form:   Thanks to those that have sent them back! Only a couple left!  It has class recommendations for 7th grade, based on Iowa Assessment scores and ICCSD placement test scores.

If you disagree with the placement, there is a reconsideration form on the reverse.
Please return the form to me by ASAP!!!

Yearbook orders: $10 each, due by 1/24
6th grade baby pictures - the tradition continues! Pictures are due by 1/24